a change is just around the corner

///--->>>rethinking art, contemporaneity and (my)self

Works and Curations

Monday, July 23, 2018

another night and then another dawn

the greed for their story went on and on
another night and then another dawn

the journey that was up in the air
a monk who could not sit without a chair

remembering faces that knew no fear
i thought of the sheep we always shear

passions ebb as seasons flow
the seeds would live if we would sow

another night and another dawn
the things unknown had begun to spawn 

the curtains burnt in the cigarette fire 
the factory announced that they would not hire

morning prayers and a sleepy meal
weeping for the bread that he did not steal

so many desires and no place to die
had to presume that someone could fly

so many friends love cats so much
and trees are scared of the human touch

on every inch i love to dwell
so many things to always tell

another night and then another dawn
the greed for their story will go on and on