This is just an attempt to preserve
pls send me your direct email for post-FB communication: iaralee@CulturesOfResistan
Fb keeps deleting my political posts, has shut down past profiles and blocked my page during the last assault on GAZA. one can never tell how long zio-creeps and FB censorship will allow me to keep posting here! — with Mohammad Saloos.
- You and 59 others like this.
- Iara Lee: Activist & Filmmaker we really cannot count on fb as free space to exchange ideas. i need to create a backup system. pls do stay in touch post fb and email me your direct contact info!
- Rainha D'agua as WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, warned us: "We all think of the internet as some kind of Platonic Realm where we can throw out ideas and communications and web pages and books and they exist somewhere out there. Actually, they exist on web servers in New York or Nairobi or Beijing, and information comes to us through satellite connections or through fiber-optic cables. So whoever physically controls this, controls the realm of our ideas and communications."
- Diana Healy Iara, please keep in touch. We are not in agreement on everything, but you remain a friend, always!!!
- Iara Lee: Activist & Filmmaker yes, Perry Holt, when FB deletes my posts, all the hundreds of people who share them get the posts deleted from their walls too. the latest one was the info on isra-el killing of 4 siblings in gaza and my post describing how heartbreaking it is for par...See More
- Iara Lee: Activist & Filmmaker and not only FB removed my post on israe-l killing of civilians in gaza, FB blocked this page from posting til ceasefire was announced. they can block people from denouncing the war crimes, but the info is getting spread by many and they cant stop all, so i urge people to proactively keep working. it will take all of us to get the truth to prevail.
- At Schoeman Keep posting Iara! Info on the web cannot completely be removed, as it go out it gets distributed and read..
- Sindie Munro Can we find another post, web share site. They are out there. Then we can tell out friends to hook up and maybe fb will be deleted after some years.