a change is just around the corner

///--->>>rethinking art, contemporaneity and (my)self

Works and Curations

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Curator's Note: Friendly Strangers

Empty Spaces have the most energy fields than anything else in the universe; and all the object, matter, particles we know, constitute just ten percent of the universe....or even less. The fascination for the dark matter and empty spaces…and more importantly the floating energy fields within is what binds Ajay Narayan and Shridhar Iyer together. This engagement allows me to curatorially put together two artists who are stylistically poles apart. Yet, inspite of the stylistic difference, Shridhar and Ajay have worked together in collaboration in terms of sharing of ideas and space.

In a strict sense this is not a ‘two man show’. Friendly Strangers is a essentially Ajay Narayan solo with Shridhar Iyer giving it support. Shridhar has been celebrating a quiet journey of discovering a new medium, and is seeding a very strong series. Ajay on the other hand is maturing within his early style. One is more focused on matter one more on energy. Yet together they are engaged in re-presenting the unknown. The unknown that is falling out of fashion as the world becomes more material obsessed and Man lands on Mars.   


From the series Journey through Images and Objects (Yog Maya) Shridhar Iyer,  Wood Straw and Fishing Net 32"  x  36" . 

From within the gharana of contemporary abstraction from Bharat Bhavan, Shridhar Iyer has been exploring the unknown energy and force of the Universe primarily through the medium of painting and drawing. Yet, even within the gharana Iyer is a break…a self-taught burst of energy. Highly experimental in life and work, Iyer has often made forays into installation based art practices, but it is in the last one and a half month, working in NIV center's basement studio, the artist has for the first time produced a body of work that shows a sustained engagement with alternative mediums and new sculpture. 

Using mediums like coconut tree, fishing nets, cloth and wood straw,  dye, Iyer continues his engagement with the vast unknown...this time focusing on the energy fields that occupy the spaces between us and our known objects. He combines this representational quest with the love for the organic and the perishable. The artist has pledged himself to a spiritual connection with the universe, for him all the energy fields surrounding us are eternal, omnipresent, powerful, ethereal and friendly.In this series Journey through Images and Object (Yog Maya)  we will get a first look at a new and very important body of work in the context of sculptural abstraction.  


Ajay Narayan,
Reflection of space on the surface of sea,
Acrylic on canvas

Ajay Narayan has been painting to invoke concealed, obscure descriptions of the visible world. His recent works are an engagement with the vastness of space, the incomprehensible eternal dark matter within which planets, stars and galaxies float.  This series echo this inquiries into the universe through gazing at the night sky and encountering its sublime.

His painted canvasses and fiberglass sculptures capture this beauty...dwelling on the floating objects through the gaze of friendship, and his love for colour and impasto.
There is a love for the edgy zone between the decorative and the aesthetic/ synthetic and the eternally natural.  Living inside an urban environment it becomes more important to look at the great eternity.    

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